On the 12th of October 2017, at the PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center, the first group of teachers from the primary and general secondary education institutions from various school subjects attended the evaluation and certification seminar with the topic “Open Educational Resources”, after benefiting from a new training program in the field. Thus, teachers have the opportunity to harness their own digital competences by designing and applying electronic resources in the educational process, both to the subjects they teach, and to the councelling classes or to any other kind of educational activities. We have found with professional satisfaction that the interest of the students for the subject studied is still high, specific practices of creative development, search and efficient use of national and international OER have been presented with the involvement of colleagues and students.
It has been noted that many schools have been endowed with advanced ICT equipment (tablets, laptops, interactive tables), including broadband INTERNET, favoring the use of OER by strategic policy in the field approved at the institutional and national levels, encouraged by the Digital Skills Standards for Teachers from general education.We enjoyed that all the trainees were involved, they talked with each other quite productively, creating an effective exchange of advanced experiences and practices. Most of the participants participated in the Contest OER 2, organized in the same project in the previous months, and starting with December this year, the most interesting resources will be provided to the public, by placing them on the web page
Among the most original open resources, we mention those drafted by chemistry teachers: Dr. Rita Godoroja and Corina Conac, as well Mrs.Maia Porombrica, physics and mathematics teacher.
The workshop also discussed some technical and didactic aspects (ways of placing free licenses on the open educational resources created, the importance of linguistic correctness of the digital product, requirements for an efficient digital presentation, which is the OERs’ role in the creativity development of students at various school disciplines, free tools on the INTERNET to create OER, etc.).
In addition, we encourage teachers to produce OER, to improve their ICT skills, to learn English language and other international languages, thus being open and prepared to know a whole world through the subjects taught and to provide quality education services for the new generation of children and adults in the information age.
Viorica GORAŞ-POSTICĂ, Valeriu GORINCIOI, trainers,
Cristina BUJAC, project coordinator