On 17 of November 2017, at the closing conference of the project „Open Education in Moldova: here and now” – phase II, the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA presented the results from the contest on developing the open educational resources (OER), evaluated by an independent jury of experts. The competition period was from May to September 2017, the target group being the pupils, students, teachers, researchers interested in developing and applying OER (open educational resources) in the educational process in educational institutions from the Republic of Moldova.
Among the evaluation criteria of the materials presented at the Contest there were: the scientific and methodical teaching correctness, transdisciplinarity, utility, originality, ways of presenting the information, interactivity, creativity, bibliography and webography relevance.
At this Contest participated more than 40 teachers from general schools and from vocational schools with their works: educational projects, presentations, blogs, etc. Based on the type of the institution, participants were from 27 high schools, 10 secondary schools, a vocational school, primary school-kindergarten, from the State University „Alecu Russo” Bălţi, the Center for Excellence in Services and Food Processing from Balti, as well as from the Academy for Innovation and Change through Education.
The geography of the contest has the following numerical references: Chişinău – 7, Bălți, Orhei, Căuşeni – 3, Râșcani, Cantemir, Glodeni, Şoldăneşti Ceadâr-Lunga – 2, Făleşti, Floreşti, Cahul, Grigoriopol, Străşeni, Ialoveni, Ştefan-Vodă, Briceni, Călăraşi, Criuleni, Drochia, Hânceşti, Sângerei, Soroca, Briceni, Tighina, Vulcăneşti – 1.
The winners of the contest and respectively the finalists who participated at the closure conference were:
1st PLACE:
- Julea Gheorghe, High school “Mihai Eminescu”, Căuşeni: BIOLOGY (Digital coverage in teaching -movies, presentations, teaching projects, blogs);
- Munca-Aftenev Daniela and Morozan Olga, Academy for Innovation and Change through Education, Chişinău: ENGLISH LANGUAGE (digital presentations, education blogs);
2nd PLACE:
- Godoroja Rita, International School Heritage, Chişinău: CHEMISTRY (Developing students’ creativity in the educational process in Chemistry);
- Conac Corina and Leucă Liliana, High school „Vasile Coroban”, Glodeni: CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY (,,Proteins”- interdisciplinary chemistry and biology lesson in 10th grade);
3rd PLACE:
- Grădinari Oxana, Volontiri Olesea, Bilic Elena – Vocational School no. 4 and the Center for Excellence in Services and Food Processing, Bălţi: INFORMATICS (Interactive presentations – texts, audio, video);
- Guţu Igor and Guţu Ludmila, High School ”Ion Creangă”, Popeştii de sus, Drochia: MATHEMATICS (How do we build a quadrilateral pyramid? Instructional sheet);
- Gheţu Rodica, High School „Grigore Vieru”, Briceni: ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION (didactical movie, digital textbook);
- Grama Stella, the Creativity and Inventions High School „Prometeu-Prim”, Chişinău: ENGLISH LANGUAGE (digital presentation);
- Condrea Raisa, High school „Alexandru cel Bun”, Bender: ROMANIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (blog „In didactic style”);
- Ştefan Serghei, Secondary school Oneşti, Hânceşti: ROMANIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (didactic website for teachers and students);
- Pâslaru Aliona, Secondary School Pociumbeni, Râşcani: MATHEMATICS (didactic presentations);
- Jitariuc Svetlana, High School ,,Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt”, Grigoriopol: MUSIC EDUCATION (didactic presentations, didactic movie);
- Dvornic Liubovi: High School „Alexandru Donici”, Peresecina, Orhei: ROMANIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (didactic presentation);
- Porombrica Maia: High School ”Meşterul Manole”, Sălcuţa, Căuşeni: MATHEMATICS (websites/blogs in education);
- VulpeViorica: High School „A. AGAPIE”, Pepeni. Sîngerei HISTORY (didactic presentations, movies, blogs – through History and Education).
In conclusion, we appreciate the digital professionalism and teachers’ activism, who participated in the Contest and we hope that the OERs provided by them will be of real use to users, and their experience will inspire and motivate other colleagues to produce and use of OER, including on the site http://red.prodidactica.md/resurse-red/red-nationale/
We also intend to seek other funding to further dissemination of positive practices in the field, to expand digital inclusion, and also to functionally develop digital skills for teachers and school managers. We are still waiting for other teaching contributions, which the authors will agree to give them the this status, receiving the free license, and the authors will benefit from an electronic publication that is credited in the attestation process. Other useful information can be found on the page above, but also in the edited brochure – “Open Educational Resources: Opportunities for Access, Quality and Relevance in Education”.
Cristina BUJAC,
Project coordinator